Unit Leaders



University of Salerno

Dario Di Nucci is an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Salerno. His research is on empirical software engineering, particularly software maintenance and evolution, software testing, and green software engineering, where he applies machine learning, search-based algorithms, and mining of software repositories. He is a member at large of the IEEE Conference Activities Committee. He serves as editor for ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software and Elsevier Science of Computer Programming, and he is an IEEE Software initiative team member. He is a program committee member of international conferences and a referee for international journals in software engineering and artificial intelligence. For his services, he received several distinguished and outstanding reviewer awards.

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Carlos Esteban Budde

BUDDE Carlos Esteban

University of Trento

Carlos E. Budde received his PhD in Computer Science in 2017 from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), specialising in rare event simulation for formal methods. From 2017 to 2021 he worked as postdoc researcher at the Universiteit Twente (The Netherlands), also in collaboration with Dutch Railways, applying simulation and machine learning to big data for risk management. Since 2021 Carlos holds a position as assistant professor at the Università di Trento (Italy), using simulation and probabilistic-based analyses to assess the cybersecurity resilience of systems’ models. In 2022 Carlos was awarded a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship: his ProSVED project studies how security vulnerabilities can be used for the estimation of future exploits, using novel approaches that combine formal methods with cybersecurity analyses.

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Mariano Ceccato


University of Verona

Mariano Ceccato is associate professor in the Computer Science department in University of Verona, Italy. Until 2019, he was tenured researcher in the Security & Trust and in the Software Engineering research units in Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, where was principal investigator of several publicly funded research projects. He received the PhD in Computer Science from the University of Trento in 2006 with the thesis "Migrating Object Oriented code to Aspect Oriented Programming". He is author or coauthor of more than 70 research papers published in international journals and conferences/workshops. He was recently visiting research scientist in the Software Verification and Validation Laboratory Centre for ICT Security, Reliability, and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg. His research interests include security testing, penetration testing, code hardening and empirical studies.

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